Saturday, December 15, 2007

Two good holiday ideas!

1. One of my patrons told me that she borrowed 25 holiday books from the library at the beginning of the month, took them home and wrapped each one individually. Each night, she and her girls unwrap one book & read it. The girls really look forward to the reading & having a book to unwrap makes it even more fun!

2. This was told to me by a 6 yr. old - "Super Secret Snack" - take a piece of white bread, 3 M&M's,- 2 blue & one red - peanut butter, and 2 skinny pretzels. Put the peanut butter on the bread, arrange the M& M's like a nose & eyes, place the pretzels at an angle at the top of the bread - antlers - and tada! - A Reindeer. He said it's taste very yummy too!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cub Scouts

The best thing about Cub Scouts coming for a tour of the library...they pick up the puzzles & put them away! Their leader said that it is a skill they need to learn - to leave a place as good or better than they found it! Wouldn't it be great if all patrons followed that rule!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fun with a patron!

Today I had a lady request a book that she has been looking for quite a long time. She has Hyde Brothers looking for her, she's checked the Internet & the book cost several hundred dollars.
I asked her if she would like to do an Interlibrary Loan - boy was she excited! We found the book - only 12 places out there that have a copy! She was so excited - it was like Christmas for her. She couldn't wait to tell her friend who has been helping her look for this book.
It was so much fun to do this simple request for her - it meant a lot and she was happy. Doesn't get any better than that:)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Computer room

A middle school aged patron asked me, "Would you please come tell my brother to log off of his computer." "He won't listen to my mom."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Things I overheard today...

If you don't go ask her, she'll lose her job, and won't be able to feed her children! That's what a librarian is for.